Through the observation of the Big Sur Flock each year, our biologists determine which condor pairs will be the most likely to nest during the upcoming season. Based on these observations, we have created a series of short videos introducing the mating pairs that hold the most promise. We hope you enjoy watching these short videos and getting to know these birds through the eyes of our Condor Crew!
2023 Short Videos
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Crew member Darren Gross talks about condor pair Mike's Bird (566) and Big Gulp (711). Run time 2:28 min
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Crew member Danae Moutin talks about condor pair Miracle (538) and Nomad (574).
Run time 1:49 min Vertical Divider
Crew member Kara Fadden, Evan McWreath, Danae Moutin, and Darren Gross talk about condor pair Ferdinand (652) and Condor (550). Run time 2:00 min
For updates on the Big Sur Flock as the nesting season progresses, join us for our monthly Condor Chat and follow us on social media.