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Survivor (375) was released with five other condors close to her age and, sadly, she was the last of them to remain in the wild. Survivor definitely had it rough. In early 2009, she was found with a gunshot wound, despite that practice being illegal since 1901. Amazingly, she survived after receiving treatment at the Los Angeles Zoo. In 2011, Survivor paired with Pinnacles National Park (PNP) Condor (313) after his former mate, Lucia (303), died from lead poisoning. During a nesting attempt with PNP Condor 313 later that year, Survivor (375) had to be treated for lead poisoning herself. Luckily, her absence did not affect the survival of their chick, Lupine (597), and Survivor (375) proved to be a good mother upon her return to the wild. Sadly, Survivor (375) lost her mate when PNP Condor (313) succumbed to lead poisoning in the summer of 2013. Survivor (375) repaired with the elusive Condor (330) and successfully raised several chicks with him.