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Lucia (303) spent most of her time as a young condor in the Santa Lucia Mountains of Big Sur, California. She became acquainted with Pinnacles National Park (PNP) condors on the east side of the Salinas Valley and regularly traveled between the two sites. In 2009, she paired up with PNP Condor (313) and established a nesting territory there, the first in over 70 years.
Unfortunately, Lucia died after ingesting lead. The lead fragment was analyzed by researchers at the University of California and was determined to be consistent with lead ammunition. Lead poisoning remains the biggest hurdle to recovery for California Condors. Lead ammunition can enter the condors’ food supply through various shooting activities including big game hunting, euthanized livestock, poaching, and perhaps other ways as well. In July 2008, the state of California banned lead ammunition for big game hunting in condor range. If you shoot firearms, please use nonlead ammunition, not just for the sake of condors, but for other wildlife as well.
Lucia (303) was stricken with lead poisoning while tending her chick in the wild. Lucia was captured and taken to LA Zoo, where she eventually died from lead poisoning despite the courageous efforts of zoo staff and veterinarians. She will be always be remembered as the first female to nest and rear a chick in the wild at Pinnacles National Park in over 100 years. She was a true matriarch of the PNP flock.
Unfortunately, Lucia died after ingesting lead. The lead fragment was analyzed by researchers at the University of California and was determined to be consistent with lead ammunition. Lead poisoning remains the biggest hurdle to recovery for California Condors. Lead ammunition can enter the condors’ food supply through various shooting activities including big game hunting, euthanized livestock, poaching, and perhaps other ways as well. In July 2008, the state of California banned lead ammunition for big game hunting in condor range. If you shoot firearms, please use nonlead ammunition, not just for the sake of condors, but for other wildlife as well.
Lucia (303) was stricken with lead poisoning while tending her chick in the wild. Lucia was captured and taken to LA Zoo, where she eventually died from lead poisoning despite the courageous efforts of zoo staff and veterinarians. She will be always be remembered as the first female to nest and rear a chick in the wild at Pinnacles National Park in over 100 years. She was a true matriarch of the PNP flock.