"As a California Indian basket weaver and artist, I have depicted wassak soaring above our central coast, where the beauty of nature and our traditional cultures still thrive in this modern world. The swirling pattern comes from one of my baskets, and the shimmering abalone pendants that dangle from their tips were inspired by another." Linda Yamane, Acrylic on canvas
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Linda Yamane
Rumsen Ohlone Tribal Community Member - Monterey, California. A descendant of indigenous peoples of the central California coast, Linda was part of a group asked to suggest names for seven young condors released in San Simeon in late 2020. Linda stated, “We are honored that these condors will carry a reminder of our people with them - that our ancestors cared for these lands and that we, their descendants, are still here today. Like Condor, our languages were once near extinction, but we have worked hard to breathe new life into our ancient languages and are keeping them safe for the future.” Linda also created this presentation called “California Indian Condor Art” to showcase artists and their condor-themed art. We also thank the Esselen Tribe of Monterey County and the Salinan Tribe for their participation. Learn the condor names and pronunciations that Linda provided.