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Little Stinker (726) is named after the plane that won the US Female Aerobatic Championship in the late 1940s. This petite condor spent much of her time in the pen performing daring flight maneuvers. This included flying into the walls of the pen and jumping over other condors on the perch. Since her release, Little Stinker (726) has taken her aerial performances on tour all over the central coast and Pinnacles National Park.
When Little Stinker (726) reached maturity, she quickly caught the eye of dominant males Condor (692) and Condor (463), and the trio had several nesting attempts together. After Condor (463)’s death in 2020, Condor (692) and Little Stinker (726) remained together and dominated the High Peaks of Pinnacles National Park, often being spotted by visitors. In 2022, Condor (692) spent an extended period of time in captivity undergoing treatment for lead poisoning, and Little Stinker (726) paired with Condor (700) that year in his absence. Now that Condor (692) is back in the wild, he and Little Stinker (726) have rekindled their romance and have continued to nest together. Unfortunately, none of Little Stinker’s (726) eggs have ever hatched to date, but we know she would make a formidable yet caring mother if given the chance.
When Little Stinker (726) reached maturity, she quickly caught the eye of dominant males Condor (692) and Condor (463), and the trio had several nesting attempts together. After Condor (463)’s death in 2020, Condor (692) and Little Stinker (726) remained together and dominated the High Peaks of Pinnacles National Park, often being spotted by visitors. In 2022, Condor (692) spent an extended period of time in captivity undergoing treatment for lead poisoning, and Little Stinker (726) paired with Condor (700) that year in his absence. Now that Condor (692) is back in the wild, he and Little Stinker (726) have rekindled their romance and have continued to nest together. Unfortunately, none of Little Stinker’s (726) eggs have ever hatched to date, but we know she would make a formidable yet caring mother if given the chance.