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Condor (1315) joined the flock on September 29, 2024, when they officially fledged. They were seen leaving their nest cavity on the explore.org condor cam that day, and were not located until two months later when a volunteer found Condor (1315) by tracking their parents, Ferdinand (652) and Condor (550). Not finding this fledgling for so long had biologists on edge, but in the grand scheme of things, this condor perfectly adapted to survive, keeping a low profile and camouflaging themselves in the redwood forest while their parents visited to feed and check on them.
Click on the image below to watch a short video of this bird grow from small nestling to very large fledgling! Condor (1315) is yet to receive their tags or nickname, however, our biologists are keeping an eye out for when this young condor shows up with their parents to our Big Sur Sanctuary. Condor (1315) will then be trapped and given their tags, GPS unit, radio transmitter, a health check, vaccinations, and DNA test to determine gender and confirm parentage. We will then know a bit more about them to come up with a suitable nickname. Stay tuned!
Click on the image below to watch a short video of this bird grow from small nestling to very large fledgling! Condor (1315) is yet to receive their tags or nickname, however, our biologists are keeping an eye out for when this young condor shows up with their parents to our Big Sur Sanctuary. Condor (1315) will then be trapped and given their tags, GPS unit, radio transmitter, a health check, vaccinations, and DNA test to determine gender and confirm parentage. We will then know a bit more about them to come up with a suitable nickname. Stay tuned!